- Prices may be higher than a one man operation, but may also be competitive among other companies.
- You may be working with a different crew each year.
- May require a minimum number of orders to ensure exspenses are made, so for some dance studios with fewer clientelle this may not be a viable option
Either option is valid in it's own right and is simply dependent upon what works best for your studio. But in either case, all the points brought up in the question 1) should be addressed to ensure you are forging a business relationship with someone who will seve you well this year and for years to come. The DVD is ultimately a reflection on the dance studio, whether that is a fair position or not, and so should be an EXCELLENT product!
3) Is that appropriate?This is a family event. While it is understandable that this is a job where your camera operator will be loading and unloading equipment, crawling on the floor to tape down wires, and moving about with purpose, attire should still be appropriate for the event. Wires should be taped down safely. Equipment should be in an agreed upon location, not infringe upon fire codes, and never be unattended for extended periods of time while there are patrons in the facility. Crew should treat every other professional in the theatre/with the event, with respect.
Video sales staff should be dressed casual professional at the very least as they are the image of the video company and of the dance studio. Customers should feel safe and guided in the ordering process, be spoken to with courtsey and respect, and walk away feeling very good about the transaction.
4) Are your preferences understood? Always make sure you communicate what you are looking for. Indicate what you did not like from the past. There are many ways to shoot a dance performance and which one(s) are used depends largely upon what you the client are looking for. Some want 1 camera, some want 2. Some very large productions may want 3 or more. Some want the entire chorepgraphy, some want some close-ups. Titles? Credits? Pre-show footage? Multi-dvd sets? Home mailing as an option? Home mailing mandatory? No home mailing? Crowd enthusiam throughout? Minimal crowd noise? Cheat bright? Use textbook exposure correctness? Take me out of the DVD? Leave me in the DVD? There are endless possibilities. Make sure you take the time, if not offered it, to speak with the company and let them know what you are looking for. You should only have to do this the first year if they maintain detailed client files, and only again if you have a change of situation or preference. There is untold effort, detail and care that go into your production. The final production DVD should document it with all the quality it deserves....and with a mind towards your vision!
5) Demo? References? It is highly advisable to see a sample of the same type of work! Again, stage events, live events...very different animal! HD means nothing if the cameras are not set properly, the shots framed well, and the images reflective of the preferences of both client and customer in a blend that makes for a well received product all around. A picture is worth a thousand words! And references? All the better. While some clients are open to giving references and others are not, we advise respecting the 'potential hire's list of references, so as not to upset their clients who may not wish to be contacted. However, we do advise calling more than one of the references. Generally a company who has longstanding clients and multiple good references are a fairly sure thing. They are not generally great in one place and horrible in another, especially if they are steadily busy in the dance world as well as in general. Many companies also offer additional references upon request, which is also a good sign.
In conclusion, there is a lot that goes into a dance studio's production and there is a lot that goes into the filming of it. There should be mutual understanding of needs and of the processes. A video company should be equally concerned with the image of their own company and the image of that of their client's company. Each project should reflect their pride in their work and promote and enhance the company to which they share their craft. A dance studio director should express their preferences well in advance. Every dance studio is different and therefore the needs of each varies. In any case, a dance studio should be well-informed on the requirements of video, the challenges an event's technical aspects may pose and ability of the 'potential hire' to cope with and/or overcome such challenges. A demo is very telling and references are gold. By mutual understanding, open communication, and a common goal to produce/document an exceptional performance/product, the business relationship can be not only mutually powerful....but a beautiful dance between professional artists!