Shannon Corley, Owner
Shannon is the founder of Signture Video Production's Dance Video Experts. She has been passionate about dance since her very first dance recital. Shannon started the company in 2005, specializing in the videotaping of dance productions. After realizing the shortage of professionals who understood the unique needs of dance/stage shoots, she became devoted to creating a company of professionals, trained in the specifics of dance and stage, with a staff that is personable, provides excellent customer service and cares about every studio, every show, every dancer! She continues to be an active member of Dance Video Experts, both in the field and in the office.
Michael Brennan, VP
Michael has been with the Dance Video Experts Team for 15 years. He is an expert in film and video, having worked on numerous shorts, trailors, features and dance documentaries. Michael oversees the technical staff, ensuring the gear is always cutting edge and the crew is prepared to deliver the most professional job possible! Michael is dedicated to keeping Dance Video Experts the most sought after video company for dance productions!
Debra Shecter, VP of Marketing & Team Coordinator
Debra is a long time member of SVP/DVE. Debra ensures that our team and schedules run like clockwork! She maintains a precision and organization that is second to none. While she works with new clients every step of the way, she also continues to ensure our long time clients continue to receive exceptional service that adapts as their needs do. Debra is a liason between client and staff, staff and crew, company and customer, maintaining a real-time synchronization that allows us to provide service that is efficient, reliable, and of the highest quality.
Kimberly Chan
Kimberly is a part time member of Dance Video Experts and a full time dancer/instructor. Kimberly keeps the field team members and editors educated on what a choreographer wants to see, when to focus wide, when to focus tight and the important elements of dance that you never miss (like feet!)! Kimberly, along with Shannon, Michael and our top editors, ensure that a production is never just textbook and technical, but that we maintain the integrity of the production....and keep the ART in the art!
Patricia Yannotti
Pat is a long time member of the Dance Video Experts Team. She is the company "mom." Pat is one of our office staff. When she isn't dedicating many hours making sure new clients are properly guided and tended to, she is ensuring the work environment is always a relaxed and pleasant one. Pat is extremely kind and courteous and cares about every new client she brings in, often even volunteering her own time to make sure they are connected to the right person and getting the video needs of their productions met.
Coming soon!
Meet some of our editors, event sales reps and camera operators!